Tender Services


Dear Sirs,
Express of Interest for Conversion of Ex. Saint Too College to A Private School for Bloom Academy


On behalf of our client, Bloom Academy Limited, we are now seeking your expression of interest to submit a tender for the captioned Works. The brief description of the Works are as follows:

1. The Works is for carrying out the conversion works at a existing school located on 15 Tong Yam Street, Sham Shui Po which shall include:-

  1. Demolition and modification of existing fittings and architectural works;

  1. Supply and install of new partitions, finishes, fitting and other architectural works etc;

  1. Refurbishment of works to existing external wall (including hacking off existing wall finishes and supply and install the new wall finishes (mainly painting and wooden panel) ; and

  1. Design and construct involved MEP works

  1. The building comprising of 4 storeys (including one Mezzanine floor but excluding roof floor)

  1. Site Area: Approximately 1500 m2

  1. Approximate affected floor area: 3300 m2 (including G/F outdoor area and roof)

  1. Tentative commencement date: March 2024

  1. Contract period: approximately 5 months

Should you be interested in submitting a tender for the captioned Works, please reply to us by email addressed to Ms. Yvette Ho yvette.ho@bloom.edu.hk on or before 7 February 2024 together with the following documents for the Employer’s consideration:-

  1. Company particulars (company name, address, contact person and number, e-mail address, company structure, key personnel, number of direct labours and plants etc.)

  1. Past and ongoing project references for past 3 years (including name, brief description, approximate site area, CFA and contract sum)

  1. Past safety records, incidents, and suspension notices, etc. for past 3 years

Please feel free to contact the undersigned if you have any queries. Thank you for your kind attention.