Applied Learning

Applied Learning

Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.

Benjamin Franklin

The world is changing, and Bloom is preparing students to lead the way. Our focus on applied learning stems from a profound understanding that modern education needs to bridge the gap between classroom theories and real-world application. To truly equip our students for an evolving global landscape filled with technological disruptions and new career paradigms, we must rethink how to design school and learning experiences.

How do we impart the vital skills and mindsets our young people need?

Learning by Doing

Applied learning at Bloom means students are dive into learning with both hands, actively engaging in projects, simulations, enterprises, or problem-solving activities that allow them to apply the classroom concepts in tangible ways.

Real-World Connection

We don’t just teach, we connect. Projects and activities are designed to mirror the challenges and opportunities of the outside world, helping students discover the practical value, impact, and purpose of what they are learning.

Technical and Practical Skills

As automation transforms industries, the ability to adapt and learn new skills becomes crucial. Our students gain hands-on experience with advanced technology, gain exposure to data analysis, and refine problem-solving skills, making them versatile and adaptable for any future jobs.

Soft Skills Development

Beyond technical prowess, we foster highly valued competencies like collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity. Students undertake team projects, present their findings, and learn to navigate complex situations with confidence and capability. These skills are essential for success in college, careers, and life in general.

Future-Proofing Knowledge

Applied learning goes beyond rote memorization to emphasize understanding the "why" behind concepts. Students learn to flexibly apply their knowledge in various real-life scenarios, preparing them for jobs that may not exist yet and instilling a lifelong enthusiasm for learning.

A Research-Backed Approach

Our curriculum is fortified by insights and cutting-edge research from leading institutions like the OECD, MIT, Harvard, and Stanford. This research underscores the pivotal role of applied learning in equipping students to navigate an uncertain future, adapt to new environments, and develop crucial skills for the workplace and society in the 21st century.

By choosing Bloom Academy, you choose an education that empowers you to make a difference.

Discover more about our exciting applied learning programs and how you can forge your path and shape the future.

Applied learning is the cornerstone of our program, equipping students with the "Future Ready Literacies" essential for success in the dynamic global economy. These literacies cut across all subjects and programs, for example, we integrate financial literacy, electrical engineering, computer programming, data science, conflict resolution into various classes and program. Furthermore, our expansive STEAM Studios prepare students for the future of work through the development of industry skills and perspectives as well as through projects with real-world partners, fostering agency and instilling confidence to apply learning in diverse situations.

Future Ready Literacies

Our Entrepreneurship Program integrates financial modeling into various projects like creating eco-friendly fashion lines. Students learn the economic aspects of production and market analysis, preparing them to manage future financial challenges effectively.

In our STEAM Studios, students engage in hands-on projects from designing smart devices to programming software solutions. This apprenticeship model, combined with real-world partnerships, allows students to apply their skills in technology development and digital innovation.

Through project-based learning, students tackle big data challenges, learning to analyze and interpret data which is essential for sectors like biotech and renewable energy. This practical approach ensures they are ready to lead and learn in data-driven fields.

Our curriculum includes social innovation projects where students work in teams to resolve conflicts and design solutions to real community problems. This builds their capacity for empathy, leadership, and effective communication.

STEAM Studios

Our STEAM Studios are vibrant hubs where students explore biotechnology, game design, AI, and urban sustainability. Immersed in real work and tasks, they not only learn the technical intricacies of modern industries but also the collaborative and critical thinking skills essential in any professional environment. Each cross-disciplinary studio is led by subject specialists with industry experience, passionate teachers who engage students and provide the context to their investigations and creative problem-solving.

Entrepreneurship Program

"Our Entrepreneurship Program isn't just about learning to run a business; it's about running into the future."

Our Entrepreneurship Program is distinctive because as school-based program, we integrate core academic subjects with business application, allowing students to transform ideas into practical ventures. For instance, in mathematics class, they learn financial modeling and apply these skills in Entrepreneurship class to develop business plans for an eco-friendly clothing startup. This hands-on experience culminates in presenting their projects to industry experts, further bridging the gap theory and application.

In Grade 7, Bloom students engage in a year-long Entrepreneurship Program where they learn about business models, sustainability and ethics in business, social enterprise, product design and development, pitching, sales and marketing, as well as the qualities that make a successful entrepreneur.  They get to meet experts in fundraising, entrepreneurs who have founded their own businesses, designers and merchandising experts working in the industry, as well as receive feedback on their projects from these industry mentors. Through their own design of products, creating a social media sales campaign, and learning to be a salesperson at a store, students learn what it takes to design thoughtfully and to keep the user in mind from the start. The benefits of such a program go beyond hey build teamwork skills, overcome the fear of presenting, use their imaginations and market research to develop a business model for a sustainable startup.

Field Schools and Long-Term Partnerships

Beyond the classroom, our long-term field school partnerships provide students with the opportunity to apply their skills in authentic settings. These field schools involve complex projects, from archaeological digs to ecological conservation efforts, allowing students to apply classroom knowledge to real-life challenges and contribute to meaningful global efforts.

Culmination in Internships and Individual Projects

"As our students grow, so do their ambitions."

As students advance, they engage in internships and individual projects, some through their A Levels EPQ and others through Studio work. These projects are often facilitated by our partnerships with leading industries and organizations and these internship and project experiences are not only about application but also about personal growth and developing leadership skills.

Our students emerge from these apprenticeship experiences with clearer ideas about the opportunities in different fields, clearer future direction, and real relationships with mentors. This exposure and maturity remind them to continuously cultivate themselves, develop their moral compass alongside their drive, and discover their own unique potential and passions to make a meaningful difference in the world.